People often complain there is nothing for young people to do – in Flitwick it’s quite the opposite. As well as the different groups and organisations for young people to get involved with we also have the Youth Hub by Millennium Park.
The Hub in Dunstable Road is a great place for young people to meet for an evening of fun and activities or just a place to chill out with friends. We have a great range of facilities from gaming and table tennis to pool and arts and crafts.
Dan Gaze Support Service is delivering all the youth activities in Flitwick on behalf of the Town Council.
Dan and his team of five youth workers, have vast experience in youth engagement and delivering activities in partnership with schools and organisations across Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire. As well as running two evening sessions a week at the Hub during term time the team will be visiting Woodland and Redbourne schools for weekly mentoring sessions. You can read more about the team below.
During school holidays we have special sessions organised such as pop up basketball and football, and DJ workshops. Follow The Hub's Facebook page to keep up to date with what is happening!
Term time only. Special activities take place during school holidays. Check out the latest activities on the gallery below.
There is also a whole programme of free summer activities for different age groups being held at different locations in Flitwick. Visit the Summer Holidays Activity Programme page here.
Youth Club for Years 5 & 6
Open Access Drop-In for 11-16 years

You can read more about Dan and his team on their biogs below:

Tuesday team Robert (DSL), Michael (Sports lead), Lucretia (Female lead) and Tia (Trainee Youth worker and Dance teacher).

Monday team Ben, Robert, Michael, Laura and volunteer Kasey.