Flitwick Food Extra Celebrate Being Chosen As One Of The Town Mayor’s Charities for 2022
Flitwick Food Extra, organised and run by members of Flitwick Parish Church and the local community, are delighted that the Flitwick Town Mayor has chosen them as one of his charities for his term of office. The team has provided boxes of pre-measured ingredients and recipes for over 1000 meals since starting up in December 2020. Flitwick Food Extra started with the aim to help families most affected by changes brought about through the pandemic.
While many families are now finding their feet, others have been hit by the rising costs of living and so this additional funding will help Flitwick Food Extra to identify and support them also. Working closely with local schools and the Children’s Centre, the extra support provided by the Mayor will help them reach out to more families. In addition, Flitwick Town Council is delighted to host Flitwick Food Extra families and volunteers at the Rufus Centre for five ‘fun days’ during August which will include lots of fun activities and a hot lunch.
Volunteer Judith Carrington said, “It is so important that Flitwick Food Extra is able to support families in our community. We distribute our boxes during school holidays as we know that for many families these are stressful times. We like to engage the children in cooking using our step-by-step recipes, and by providing activity booklets.”
The dishes are varied and include a combination of mains, desserts and snacks and have included vegetarian stir fry, creamy pasta bake, sage and onion burgers with salad and sweet potato fries. Along with the food provision the boxes have also contained activity booklets and craft supplies, as well as back to school essentials. One recipient of a box said, “Thank you so much for the bits today, – such a big help in these tough times and the kids love it.”
Flitwick Town Mayor Andy Snape said, “Flitwick Food Extra is a fantastic grassroots initiative that is making a real difference to local families here in Flitwick. I hope that being one of my charities for my term of office and the additional support from Flitwick Town Council will help them to reach even more families in the town.”
For more information about how to support Flitwick Food Extra or to make a donation, please email foodextra@flitwickchurch.org