Council Welcomes Two New Councillors
March 24, 2025
Flitwick Town Council is delighted to welcome two new Town Councillors. Lorraine Bandy and Andy Crawford were both co-opted to serve as Councillors at the March Town Council meeting.
Councillor Bandy represents West Ward and has lived in Flitwick since 1979, said: “I have three children who attended local schools and five grandchildren. I owned a business in Flitwick for 16 years until 2022, forming friendships with many residents.
“Currently, I volunteer at the Flitwick Community Fridge several times a week and aim to support community activities through my role on the Town Council.”
Commenting on his co-option as a Town Councillor for East Ward, Councillor Crawford said: “Having lived in Flitwick for the past 27 years, my focus is on serving the residents of Flitwick equally and fairly.
“I have always been interested in sustainability and food waste. I regularly volunteer at the Flitwick Community Fridge, which allows me to make a difference in our community by reducing food waste and helping its members.”