October 21, 2022
We need your help in identifying new spaces in the town for reduced mowing to create additional wildflower areas next year!
Back in 2021 we committed to a reduced mowing strategy on Flitwick Town Council owned land to increase biodiversity across the Town and help wildlife flourish. We also planted wildflower areas in Millennium Park, Hinksley Road Recreation Ground and Station Road open space to provide an important source of pollen and nectar for pollinating insects, as well as habitat and food, directly and indirectly for many other species.
We now plan to take this one step further by reducing mowing on open spaces and verges owned and maintained by Central Bedfordshire Council. Our Environmental Services Team will be working with CBC to develop these green routes across Flitwick and we want to hear from residents for suggestions of suitable spaces.
Highways infrastructure spaces such as paved roads, footpaths and junctions would not be considered but we know there will be other green spaces and verges where reduced mowing will provide important environment for wildlife to thrive.
If you have any suggestions for new locations for wilding in Flitwick please email or call 01525 631900.