Town Mayor

Cllr John Roberts, Town Mayor 2024/25
Flitwick Town Mayor for 2024/2025 is Cllr John Roberts. Cllr Roberts was elected at the Annual Statutory Meeting on 21st May.
The Mayor is always pleased to receive invitations, especially to local events, however small, and to meet representatives of local groups in Flitwick. Any invitations for the Mayor should be sent to the Mayor's Secretary at the Town Council offices. For anything else, get in contact with Cllr Roberts directly here.
The Town Mayor is elected annually each May by members of Flitwick Town Council at its Annual Statutory Meeting. The Town Mayor holds office until immediately after the election of the Town Mayor at the next annual meeting of the Council, even though they may not have been re-elected as a councillor.
The Town Mayor is the Chairman of the Town Council and will generally preside over Town Council meetings. The Mayor is responsible for ensuring that meetings are properly conducted and facilitates the resolution of clear, legal decisions. In addition, the Mayor will ensure that all councillors have an opportunity to contribute to the debate, that all discussion is kept to the point, and that business is transacted efficiently.
The Mayor votes like any other councillor, but if there is an equality of votes, they can use a second casting vote. Apart from this, the Mayor does not make decisions for the Council. The Council is a corporate body with collective responsibility.
When addressing the Town Mayor, it is standard practice to refer to him as either 'Mr Mayor' or 'Town Mayor of Flitwick' or 'Councillor Roberts'.
Cllr Martin Platt, Deputy Town Mayor 2024/25
The Town Mayor is supported by a Deputy Mayor who steps in on their behalf in their absence. The Deputy Mayor for 2024/2025 is Cllr Martin Platt.
Ambassador for Flitwick
In their role as Civic Ambassador, the Town Mayor is the public face of the Council and the civic representative of the town of Flitwick. The Mayor attends many community events, especially those organised by local charities and volunteer groups such as fundraising events.
The Mayor represents Flitwick at civic functions such as the Lord Lieutenant's Civic Service, the High Sheriff's Justice Service and at events organised by other councils in the District and County. The Mayor also arranges their own civic and fundraising events in Flitwick.
Town Mayor's Chosen Charities 2024-2025
The Town Mayor's charities are chosen personally by Cllr Roberts. This year he will be fundraising for Keech Hospice Care and Flitwick Town Mayor's Charity Community Fund.

Mayoral Chain of Office
The Flitwick Town Mayor wears a chain of office worn on official occasions and at meetings of the Town Council.
The badge of office showing the the council crest of two sable lions was presented to the Council in 1979 by W. J. Billington as part of the original chain of office, which was replaced in 2004 with the current chain. The links on the chain are engraved with the names of past Mayors.
Past Town Mayor's of Flitwick

A board showing the past Town Mayors of Flitwick is displayed in the lobby at The Rufus Centre.
Civic Protocol
Follow this link to view the Civic Protocol