Community Services
Committee Structure
To ensure the Town Council delivers the highest level of service and facilities for Flitwick residents there are different committees with key areas of responsibility. Councillors choose which committee(s) they wish to sit on and the Chairman and Vice Chairman of each committee is elected by fellow councillors.
Business Improvement & Development Board
Flitwick Town Council own and manage The Rufus Centre, a conference and event venue on the outskirts of town, which is also home to the Council offices.
The Business Improvement & Development Board was created in May 2022 and has evolved from the original Business Services Committee. The Board's key focus is on the Rufus Centre and the Town Council's purchase of 3 Station Road; the Barclays Bank building and frontage.
View the Terms of Reference for the Business Improvement Board
Community Services
The Community Services Committee is responsible for the public realm, allotments, community development, highways, leisure, play areas, Manor Park, Country Park, The Hub, youth provision, and services and events for the local community.
Finance & General Purposes
Finance & General Puposes
Two of the Council's working groups, the Planning Improvement Working Group and the Environmental Working Group, are made up of Councillors and co-opted Flitwick residents, working together to ensure the best possible outcomes for Flitwick.
Planning Improvement Working Group
The Town Council is not the planning authority (Central Bedfordshire Council is the planning authority) but is a consultee in the planning process.
In May 2022 the Town Council adopted a new approach to planning engagement by the creation of the Planning Improvement Working Group reporting into the main Town Council. This group will be a forum made up of both ‘planning-trained’ Councillors and co-opted Flitwick residents who want to be involved in discussion about the future development in the town.
The group will consider all major (anything over 1 house/property) planning applications for recommendation to Council and hold discussions with developers at an early stage to discuss options and opportunities from forthcoming developments.
A representative from the working group is responsible for attending CBC planning meetings to speak on any planning application decision deemed to be controversial or have some impact on the community.
View the Terms of Reference for the Planning Improvement Working Group
Environmental Working Group
This group is a forum made up of Councillors and co-opted Flitwick residents.
View the Terms of Reference for the Environmental Working Group
The HR Committee is responsible for functions exercised under Section 112 of the Local Government Act 1972 concerning the appointment and dismissal of staff, and the terms and conditions on which they hold office. It also considers policies relating to these functions.
View the Terms of Reference for the HR Committee
The Appeals Committee deals with appeals by Council employees against disciplinary action. The subject of the meetings involves consideration of personal information that has been specifically exempted from public disclosure. The public is therefore excluded from these meetings.